Boost Your Garden's Growing Potential

Get compost tea for your yard in Carpenter, Cheyenne, WY area.

Compost tea is a liquid product extracted from compost that introduces crucial nutrients and microorganisms into your garden when applied. If you'd like to buy compost tea to use on your property, reach out to BS Compost in Carpenter, Cheyenne, WY. We've created a special compound that is stable for use for up to three months.

Want us to apply compost tea to your garden? Call us at 307-630-4808 to schedule an appointment for spreading services.

How can you apply your compost tea?

When you buy compost tea, there are a number of ways you can apply it to yield different results. You can:

  • Spread it on top of your plants
  • Apply it to seeds as you plant
  • Spread it in the soil

Learn more about the applications of compost tea when you contact us now.